Mesa County Safety Action Plan

This is the second self-guided online meeting for the Mesa County Safety Action Plan that aims to identify solutions to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads across Mesa County. The first meeting focused on safety concerns we are facing in our community, including existing conditions and crash trends.

The project team took what we learned from the existing conditions data and your feedback and has developed a list of safety solutions and strategies that will be presented in this meeting.

Learn about:

  • What we heard from the community.
  • Next steps and how to stay involved.

Participate by:

  • Ranking safety categories.
  • Agreeing or disagreeing with safety solutions and strategies
  • Pledging to be a safe driver.

Your feedback will play a critical role in shaping future decisions to create safer roads in Mesa County. This meeting should take about 10 minutes of your time - thank you for your participation.